28-Day Photo Challenge: Week 2

Jul 08, 2024

In June 2024, I started a 4-week project to photograph the area around the village where I live. With the aim of encouraging people to find 30 minutes a day to take photos, I set out to explore the area within walking distance of my house. Here's how I got on in week 2. 

Monday 1st July 2024

Distance walked: 4 miles

Last week could not have gone any better. Regardless of some rather negative weather forecasts, I got out each morning to take photos. However, I feel my luck is about to change.

As my friend Joseph was keen to point out, I am waterproof. However, my camera is not. Or more accurately, my video camera is not.

Posting daily on Instagram has become hugely important to the project. At some point, my resolve will be tested and with projects of this nature, the accountability that comes with posting on social media is key. Success this week will depend on my ability to dodge the showers.

Tuesday 2nd

Distance walked: 3.5 miles

Today was the first morning when I wasn't able to get out to take pictures at dawn. I had some things I needed to do, and sometimes, photography has to fit around my life and not the other way around.

It was probably my least productive day photographically. I am running out of wide shots that I haven't already photographed, and things are just not clicking yet with the more intimate shots. Worryingly, it is now day 9, and I only have 6 shots I am completely happy with and are good enough for the final project.

I should probably stop being so hard on myself, but I have a vision of what I want to achieve, and at the moment, I am falling short. The only answer I can find is to dig deep and work harder. However, judging by the forecast, the weather may have other ideas!

Wednesday 3rd

Distance walked: 4 miles

I enjoyed a wonderful few hours of photography this morning as I explored the lanes behind my house. While it threatened to rain, I was lucky and had to endure just one passing shower. However, I am starting to forget what the sun looks like!

As there appears to be a permanent blanket of cloud hanging over Cumbria, I continue to work in intimate detail shots. I took my time and searched more thoroughly for suitable subjects. This seemed to pay dividends, and I returned home optimistic.

My optimism was short-lived. As my friend Steve says, "The best bit about being a photographer is the time between pressing the shutter and seeing the image on the big screen." It is the hope that kills you! Perhaps tomorrow will fare better.

Thursday 4th

Distance walked: 4.5 miles

Today was one of my most successful mornings of the project so far. I managed three photos that will surely make the final 28. It might even be four!

It probably isn't surprising that (for now at least) I have abandoned the intimate detail shots and returned to my comfort zone. Still no sign of the sun, but it was at least bright enough to create some shadows and highlights. A welcome relief after the 'mid-tone monotony' of the past few days.

The slightly improved conditions were enough to distract me from worrying about this afternoon's hospital appointment. I have a suspected detached retina in my left eye and am having some tests. Just when things were starting to go well, fate may be about to deal another blow.

Friday 5th

Distance walked: 3.5 miles

Good news! All of my retinas are attached! A fact I celebrated a little too hard last night, leaving me fuzzy-headed this morning.

The 4 AM starts are taking their toll and I am a bit 'over it' today. I plodded my way around the back lanes, stopping to photograph a few scenes I had previously ballsed up, without much expectation that I would improve on my earlier attempts.

Wait! In my bleary-eyed stupor, I'd forgotten all about yesterday's general election. I checked my phone to discover that for the first time in its 74-year history, the good people of my parliamentary constituency had chosen not to elect the Conservative Party candidate. So, I won't be the only person in these parts with a sore head.

Saturday 6th

Distance walked: 5.0 miles

I was a little late starting this morning because I had to drop Mrs Sale off at the train station. She's away for a few days so I have some time to myself. By the time I set off for my walk, it was already 90 minutes after sunrise.

For once, this worked in my favour. It had been very clear first thing, but my delayed start had allowed the clouds to form, creating more interest in the sky and softening the light, making it easier to work with.

I decided to revisit a couple of scenes I wanted to improve upon before exploring a stretch of road I'd never walked along before. I found a couple of potential subjects but couldn't quite get them to work from the road. I resisted the temptation to hop over a convenient gate to get closer, leaving me feeling a little frustrated.

Not quite as frustrated as I have been with England's performance in the Euros so far. Let's hope for better tonight.

Sunday 7th

Distance walked: 1.5 miles

Another easy Sunday for me with only 1.5 miles needed to complete my second marathon in two weeks. Just as well, as I need a bit of a rest.

As I reach the midway point in the project, I am pleased with the progress I have made. So far, I am proud of the photographs I have produced and am confident I can maintain this level of quality. I am excited to see the final 28 photos.

My fitness levels have improved, and I feel for the last two weeks I should push myself to explore further afield. And as for my mental health? Well, these things take time and we still have some way to go.